Update on the resolutions

I made some resolutions, but forgot to update you on how it went. Great job, N…

These were my resolutions:

  1. Cook my delicious vegan Thai pumpkin soup again and share the recipe.
  2. Cook vegan food with non-vegan friends.
  3. Bake something vegan.
  4. Share vegan inspiration for meals.
  5. Try something completely new.

So number 1 was delicious as everytime, so here’s the ‘recipe’. I’m the ‘no measuring needed’ kind of cook, so ‘here’s my ingredientslist is a better use of words.

N’s Thai pumpkin soup

You’ll need…

  • Pumpkin
  • Carrots
  • Union & garlic
  • Vegetable stock (make sure it doesn’t contain milkpowder)
  • Water
  • Coconut milk
  • Spices (I usually use turmeric, paprica, cayenne or chili, salt and pepper)
  • Chili sauce (if you like a sweet touch, the one from Boni is vegan)

Just throw it all in a big pot, bring to a boil and let the vegetables cook. When they’re soft, just mix it with a handmixer and you’re good to go. I love my soup a bit thicker, but if you want it a bit more runny, just use more water. Same goes for creaminess; less or more coconutmilk.

Resolution 2 was also a succes; I made vegan pasta sauce inspired by the soup above and kind of made my friend Astrid taste it. I think her face says enough about her feelings. (PS : she didn’t speak for a whole two minutes while enjoying it with pasta, which is quite unusual)

For resolution 3 I made vegan brownies, using this recipe, but my foodprocessor suddenly stopped working so they didn’t turn out great. I also missed the sweetness and fudginess brownies have. I’ll probably try again though. Sidenote about brownies: I went to visit a friend in the Netherlands and baked non-vegan brownies for her and some friends. Somehow I was able to resist the gooey goodness. Pretty proud of myself for that.dav

You can find the inspiration from resolution 4 in one of my previous blogposts and in my Pinterestfolder; https://www.pinterest.com/willemsnienke/food/vegan/.

Resolution 5 hasn’t really been accomplished if you don’t count the vegan pizza from Domino’s. Besides that I also watched an episode of ‘Over Eten’ in which one of the show host tried to be vegan for a month,  just like me. This also inspired me to keep going. A new resolution I want to make concerning something new and a tv series, is watching a documentary about going vegan. I’ll keep you posted on that.

Love, N

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